Ivanna Gender was genetically engineered by the KGB during the height of the Cold War as part of the Soviet Reproductive Grotestification Program. Upon the immediate realization of their absolute and total failure with her they disposed of her to the local office of Mail Order Brooms (not quite brides, not quite grooms). She was not-so-quickly purchased and delivered to a prominent business in Atlanta, Georgia whom you probably know. Confused and frustrated he kindly donated her to the Cobb County Republican Party where she spent several nights in their sex dungeon before being moved to their beastiality gardens. Because of her Soviet Operative background it didn’t take her long to escape. Much longer than most spies, and really just a little bit quicker than an average person, but definitely not long. She now lives on the streets and turns to anything she can to make a dollar. At night it’s hooking and during the day it’s modeling, mostly for the “after” pictures in the Meth: Never Once campaign.